Conversation Starter Noir

You've been there before.


We all have.

There are a group of people who would absolutely love your book - IF they knew about it.

You know how obnoxious it is to just start blabbing on and on about your book, especially to a group of strangers but you need to let them know.

But... you have class.


You have tact.


You have panache... so you saunder away talking to yourself in a hushed, frustrated tone, "If I only had a way to tell them about my book, I KNOW they would buy it. I know they would!"

Maybe next time. 


Wouldn't it be awesome if people asked you, one after another, to tell them about your book?


Wouldn't it be incredible if everyone you passed on the streets was curious about your masterpiece?


Wouldn't it be awesome for people be instantly curious and ready to $cashapp you within a few minutes of meeting?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, our "Conversation Starter Noir" t-shirt is about to change your life. 

Striking up conversations are hard enough on their own, so sliding your book into an already hard conversation is next to impossible.

Unless you have a plan.

NOW, dear author... YOU HAVE A PLAN.

Imagine person after person, asking you to tell them about your book.

This is what the Conversation Starter Noir does for you. It makes book sales a piece of cake.

Not only is it a fun way to meet new buyers, it's a great way to keep your $cashapp notification on your phone ding-ding-dinging.


So... if you're ready for your book sales to take off on a rocket ship, select your size below, and in just over a week, not only will you get to wear this bespoke black t-shirt woven from the finest 60/40 polyblend... but you get to build your author profile, and become unforgettable, everytime you wear it.

You know what? You need to buy two.


The Tshirt that Sells Your Bestselling Book

start. the. convo.

Conversation Starter: A question or topic that creates a dialogue between two or more people. It's much easier when performed by your clothing.

Sell More Books

Imagine being stopped over and over again with the same question... "Tell Me About Your Book" which will lead to more money in your bank account.

"Wait, I've Seen You Before."

Imagine being mini-famous and recognized every where you go with "You're the author, right?" 

More money in the bank.

Meet the Right People

Imagine wearing this t-shirt to an event, and having a crowd of people waiting because your book is the centerpiece of the conversation.


Come Grow With Us On the Gram!

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